Based in Houston, Texas, Advantage Interests Inc. offers a full range of elite fire safety services for offshore operations. Mobile offshore drilling units, petroleum refinery platforms, and man-made islands used for chemical production or manufacturing processes must be monitored closely to ensure the safety of workers in these environments. We can help with advanced solutions that meet all applicable industry standards and that comply with OSHA regulations. As a leader in Houston fire suppression, gas detection, sprinkler systems, and fire alarms, Advantage Interests Inc. can deliver the right solutions for your offshore facilities.
Houston Gas Detection Systems
Identifying elevated levels of flammable gas in offshore drilling units and petroleum refineries can allow staff members to address these issues before a catastrophic accident occurs. At Advantage Interests Inc., we offer gas detection systems designed specifically to provide early warning of flammable or toxic gas buildup within your facility. We can also install and service oxygen monitoring systems to ensure a healthy and breathable environment for your staff members. Gas detection is a must for drilling operations, chemical plants, and petroleum refineries. Advantage Interests Inc. can design a system precisely right for your company’s needs.
Experts in Fire Suppression
Advantage Interests Inc. is an established name in the Houston fire sprinklers industry and provides a full range of fire suppression services for our customers. For areas in which electronics, computers, and other delicate equipment is in use, we can provide clean agent systems that use chemical compounds to extinguish fires without the damage water sprinklers can potentially cause in these rooms. By linking these sprinkler and clean agent suppression systems with state-of-the-art sensors, the experienced technicians at Advantage Interests Inc. can provide solid protection for ocean vessels and offshore facilities. Fire suppression systems can also ensure clear pathways for evacuations and can be positioned to protect spars, tension leg platforms, and other support structures for the offshore platform or drilling rig.
Houston Fire Alarms and Alerting Systems
Addressable fire control panels are at the heart of the systems sold and installed by Advantage Interests Inc. These centralized boards provide immediate information to ensure a faster response. We can install clearly audible fire alarms that also send a signal to the local fire department and to your in-house fire brigade and safety deployment team, allowing you to react quickly to the fire and to take any measures necessary to protect your facility and your workers. Strobe light alerting systems are ideal for use in areas where hearing-impaired individuals perform most of their work and can provide an added alert in areas with significant ambient noise. At Advantage Interests Inc., we also service and repair all types of fire alarm systems to ensure that crew members on your offshore facility or ocean-going vessel are protected in the event of a fire.
Advantage Interests Inc. specializes in providing the best fire protection, suppression, and detection services for offshore industrial facilities and commercial vessels. Contact us today to set up a consultation with our skilled technicians and to start protecting your workers more effectively against fires and explosions in the offshore environment.